Do you play the drums or are interested in learning? Whether you have years of experience or none at all, drumming is known to have a positive impact on our lives. Expressing yourself through music can ease anxiety!
Before starting to play, you should familiarize yourself with the different pieces comprising a drum set. Here is a breakdown of each component and how they contribute to your sound.
The snare drum is one of the most important parts of a drum set. It usually sits between your knees and is used to keep the tempo. The sound produced from a snare drum is hard, precise and may be described as “rattling”. Did you know the snare drum can often double as a tom-tom? Most models have a lever that allows the drummer to switch between the snare and tom sounds!
The tom-toms are another crucial part of a drum set used to add more excitement and flare into a performance. Although usually mounted above the bass drum, the single-headed tom-toms can produce a variety of pitches, based on size. There are a few different types of tom-toms, including the high tom, medium tom and floor tom.
Typically found above the snare drum, the hi-hat is actually two cymbals on top of each other. You can play the hi-hat by hitting it with your drum stick or using the foot pedal, so the cymbals open and close together. To adjust the sound produced, put more or less distance between the two cymbals.
Crash Cymbal
Traditionally, the crash cymbal can be found on the left side of a drum set. This component gets its name from the loud sound it produces when played. The main use of the crash cymbal is for occasional accents, such as emphasizing a specific note or sound.
Ride Cymbal
Compared to others, the ride cymbal is typically larger and produces sharp sounds. It’s used by drummers to keep the beat during a performance. The steady and continuous sounds are how the name “ride cymbal” was established.
Kick/Bass Drum
This bass drum, also known as the kick drum, is the largest in a set. When hit with the drum pedal, it produces a low booming sound. The bass pedal is operated by the drummer’s foot to highlight strong beats and keep the tempo during a performance.
Are you ready to start playing the drums? Get your set or book a drumming lesson at DuBaldo Music Center today!